E W A Peyton 642 |
Roseda Powerball23 F091 |
Roseda Blackcap B103 D118 |
ECO Lombardi 1512 |
Powell Jaunty 8323 |
E W A 3114 of 128 Weigh Up |
Breed leading growth sire from a genetic line of noted performance with quality phenotype
Power UpÕs grandam, EWA 3114 of 128 Weigh Up, is a powerful donor stemming from the Edgewood program
Amazing spread from a + 10 CED to 102 WW and 179 YW
Premium sire for feeding and retail beef industry segments, top 1% $Weaning, 10% $Feedlot, 3% $Combined, 2% $Beef and 3% $Grid